Omar Single Malt Bourbon Cask

A Taiwanese single malt whisky matured in American ex-bourbon cask with few drops of Spanish ex-sherry cask whisky give the complex body and finishing. First comes with pure and refreshing white flower, gradually appearing attractive aroma of cane, vanilla, cream and honey. With the warmer climate of Taiwan that brings out the character of malty grain, cedar and angelica sinensis, creates a more subtle but balanced aroma. Taste vanilla, milk candy and mandarin characters for the finishing.

台灣菸酒公司南投酒廠沿襲正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,經橡木桶陳熟五年以上優質酒品,經調酒師巧手調和,以小型蒸餾器蒸餾出豐富酒質,採非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filted),以保留最佳香氣與口感品質,無添加焦糖色素,酒體自然呈現成熟金黃琥珀色,經批次調和,每批調和風味稍有不同,推薦給威士忌愛好者收藏品評、比較。





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