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OMAR Single Malt Sherry Cask
The flavour is dominated by whiskies matured in ex-Sherry cask then few drops of ex-bourbon cask whisky increase the complexity of flavour performance. The first comes aroma is floral and hint of sulphur, then with ripen banana, saltine cracker, dry plum, jam, sandalwood and dark chocolate. And a long lasting finished taste of dried fruit.
運用正統蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌製程所製作,南投酒廠將經過橡木桶陳熟四年以上優質酒品,以非冷凝過濾(Non Chill-Filtered)最佳香氣與口感品質,無添加焦糖色素由調酒師巧手調和,展現出綿密龍眼蜜香氣並且融合著芒果、芭蕉、葡萄、梅子蜜餞等水果香氣及柑橘果皮清新香氣。
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Availability: In stock
Categories: Omar, Spirits, Whisky, Single Malt Whisky
Tags: non-chill filtered whisky, omar, sherry cask, single malt, taiwan whisky, whisky
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