Wild Turkey Kentucky Straight Bourbon 750ml
Originally crafted by Kentucky Bourbon Hall-of-Famer Eddie Russell as “Wild Turkey 81”. It’s features high rye content in the mash bill and is aged in casks with a heavy char – the result of which is huge flavour and complexity. It is a marriage of 5-8 years old bourbon and it is longer than any other bourbon in its class. With notes of sweet vanilla, pear, and hints of spice, this bourbon finishes with a flavor that is full and rich, whether enjoyed straight or with a mixer.
Full of fruit, butterscotch, toffee and toasted oak
Cigar-box sweetness, caramel, vanilla, and pear with a long finish of rich spice notes and hints of toast caramel
Long, supple, and clean
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Categories: Bourbon, Campari Group, Spirits
Tags: #3, bourbon, kentucky bourbon, MA, Wild Turkey