When nightfalls, the sky is decorated by sparking stars that inspire us to pursue our goals resolutely. Sky Blue accommodates such a vast sky inside its bottle. As our hit product, Sky Blue adopts the superfine original liquor with special techniques, and aging in pottery jars for more than 6 years. It not only keeps the Yanghe traditional flavor, but also stresses its unique mellow and elegant taste.
蓝天,广袤无垠,繁星点点,每一个闪光点都激发着人类不懈的追求。 天之蓝,瓶内是一片广阔的天空。它是我们的明星产品,采用特技极 原浆,在我们的陶坛库中存储 6 年以上,在保持洋河传统的风味基础上, 突 出绵柔、淡雅的独特风格。